There are three ways you can pay your disability invoice from Arch Insurance: online, by ACH or wire transfer, or by mail. Read below for details on each method.
Pay Online
Quickly and easily pay your bill online. You will need your policy number and invoice number. These can be found at the top of your invoice, or you can contact us for help.

Special Invoice Instructions for Employers in New York
Pay by ACH or Wire Transfer
Complete your invoice online and email [email protected] with your completed invoice to request ACH/Wire payment instructions.
Mail Your Payment
You can also mail your payment and completed invoice to:
Arch Insurance Company
PO Box 12909
Philadelphia, PA 19176-0909
*Please include your completed invoice with payment.
Insurance coverage is underwritten by a member company of Arch Insurance Group Inc. This is only a brief description of the insurance coverage(s) available under the policy. The policy contains reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. Full details of the coverage are contained in the policy. If there are any conflicts between this document and the policy, the policy shall govern. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions.