Terrorism, Political Violence and War
We offer tailor made solutions to clients across a broad spectrum of coverages with high levels of service and attention to detail.
What Sets Us Apart
- Our strong technical expertise – including distressed business and product development.
- Our customer-service focused approach with a standard quote turnaround time of under 24 hours.
- Our willingness to build long-term relationships.
Range of Coverage
We underwrite on a lead or follow basis individually and on a portfolio basis across a range of areas including:
- Terrorism: Terrorism & Sabotage.
- SRCCMD: Strikes, Riots, Civil Commotion & Malicious Damage.
- Political Violence: Insurrection, Revolution, Rebellion, Mutiny and/or Coup d’Etat.
- War: Civil War & Inter-state War.
- NCBR: Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Radiological.
- Terrorism Liability.
- Organised Crime.
Primary Clients, Sectors and Territories
We provide worldwide coverage, including the UK*, across a broad range of sectors including:
- Construction.
- Fine Art and Exhibitions.
- Financial Institutions.
- Government-owned
- entities.
- Hotels.
- Leisure and
- Entertainment.
- Manufacturing.
- Mining.
- Oil and Gas.
- Power and Utilities.
- Residential.
- Retail.
- Transport and Infrastructure.
We have the ability to write on Company stamp (also within the EU).
*Arch is not a member of Pool Re.
Maximum Line-Sizes
- US$100m any one risk.
- US$10m in respect of NCBR.
Jelle Ouwehand
Head of Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Joseph James
Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Gabriela Wells
Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Steve Turvey
Head of Claims – First Party
Alexandria Wallis
Senior Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Henry Buchanan
Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence and War
Olivia Winther
Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Adam Murray
Claims Manager – First Party
Jalal Chtioui
Senior Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Charlie Macey
Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Patrick Kirwan
Assistant Underwriter, Terrorism, Political Violence & War
Our Brand Promise
Pursuing Better Together encapsulates how we do business at Arch Insurance. It is an approach that is based on collaboration, responsiveness and a genuine commitment to continually raising the bar.
It is our promise to our brokers, colleagues and other partners to:
- Listen, share insights and work together to deliver informed solutions.
- Build trusting, respectful and responsive relationships.
- Understand your goals and explore possibilities together.