Accident and Health
As an established lead market, we have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in providing innovative and flexible solutions for our brokers and clients.
What Sets Us Apart
- Our solution-led approach combined with strong technical expertise.
- Our broad risk appetite.
- Our commitment to building long-term relationships.
We have the ability to write Company / Lloyds EU Dac / Brussels Stamp.
Range of Coverage
We will consider all opportunities from binders, lineslip, open market direct placements, short term multi year deals, facultative reinsurance, excess loss.
Primary and excess cover across a broad range of areas including:
- Individual or Group Policies for Accident and Sickness.
- Accidental Death.
- Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) – own or any and every occupation.
- Sports Disability and Career Ending Injuries.
- Temporary Total Disablement (TTD).
- War Risks / Terrorism.
Primary Clients, Sectors and Regions
We provide worldwide coverage across numerous different sectors. Our target clients include, but are not limited to:
- Accidental Medical.
- Business Travel.
- Entertainers.
- Excess Catastrophe Cover.
- Financial Institutions.
- Groups PA or Group AD&D (basic, voluntary & business travel accident).
- Key Man & High Net Worth Individuals.
- Sports Individuals, Teams and Organisations.
- Workers’ Compensation (including Defence Based Act).
- Yacht Crew Management.
Maximum Line Sizes
- Any One Person – US$6m
- Any One Event – US$30m
Sebastian Terry
Head of Accident & Health
Gemma Furze
Underwriter, Accident & Health
Daniel Wolf
Underwriting Assistant, Accident & Health
Steve Turvey
Head of Claims – First Party
Adam Murray
Claims Manager – First Party
Our Brand Promise
Pursuing Better Together encapsulates how we do business at Arch Insurance. It is an approach that is based on collaboration, responsiveness and a genuine commitment to continually raising the bar.
It is our promise to our brokers, colleagues and other partners to:
- Listen, share insights and work together to deliver informed solutions.
- Build trusting, respectful and responsive relationships.
- Understand your goals and explore possibilities together.