Our Casualty team has established expertise in complex casualty risks where specialized knowledge is required.
We offer flexible underwriting approach and open-minded attitude in target customer segments. We partner with our Brokers and Clients to create a long-lasting and customer-focused experience.
Casualty Benefits
- Strong focus on account underwriting in collaboration with other Arch Canada lines.
- Ability to coordinate U.S. admitted liability coverage requirements through Arch Insurance in the United States.
- Experienced underwriting staff with the ability to offer:
- Numerous years of experience in various lines with emphasis on complex primary risks.
- Flexible underwriting approach.
- Manuscript/customized endorsements.
- Casualty Service Commitment:
- Initial contact within 48 hours of receipt of the submission .
- Binders issued within 24 hours (one work day) of effective date.
- Primary policies issued within 30 days, excess policies issued, excess policies within five days of receipt and acceptance of the underlying policy.
Corporate Contacts
Dmitri Iankine
Vice President, Casualty
Mary Giunta
Assistant Vice President Casualty, Automobile Manager
Stephenie Federchuk
Senior Underwriter, Casualty
Matthew Smith
Senior Underwriter, Casualty
Our Brand Promise
Pursuing Better Together encapsulates how we do business at Arch Insurance. It is an approach that is based on collaboration, responsiveness and a genuine commitment to continually raising the bar.
It is our promise to our brokers, colleagues and other partners to:
- Listen, share insights and work together to deliver informed solutions.
- Build trusting, respectful and responsive relationships.
- Understand your goals and explore possibilities together.
Customer Profile
Target Appetite
Mid-market to risk-managed accounts in the following classes:
- Manufacturing.
- Construction.
- Hospitality/Casinos.
- Retail, Wholesale.
- Commercial Realty.
No appetite for:
- Residential building contractors/developers.
- Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical product manufacturing.
- Nursing homes/assisted-living facilities.
- Firearms.
- Hospitals, first response clinics, invasive medical products.
- Tobacco.
- Auto and/or critical auto parts manufacturing.
- Aviation and/or aviation parts manufacturing.
Product Highlights
All Products – excluding Auto
Products include ($MAXIMUM CAPACITY):
- Primary General Liability ($10M).
- Umbrella ($25M).
- Excess Casualty ($25M).
- Wrap-up Liability ($25M).
Total combined capacity of $25M.
Fleet Auto:
- Capacity of $2M.
- In support of liability.
- No appetite for:
- Individually rated Auto.
The Arch Difference