
Risk Management | June 13, 2024

Personal Protective Equipment — Getting It Right for Your Staff 

When your risk assessment reveals a hazard that can only be managed using PPE, as an employer you are legally obliged to supply PPE for your workers to protect them from any risks associated with that h...

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Risk Management | June 12, 2024

Risk Surveyors Newsletter — Q2 ’24 

Welcome to the latest Arch Surveyors’ Newsletter, sharing essential knowledge and news on current risk management issues affecting businesses across the U.K. today....

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Risk Management | June 10, 2024

Technical Talks: Warehouse Fire Safety

In this technical talk, we discuss how demands have led to the construction of ever-larger warehouse buildings (typically lightweight construction) with no internal fire compartmentation....

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Risk Management | April 26, 2024

Technical Talks: Effective Workplace Housekeeping 

Effective housekeeping can eliminate or reduce workplace hazards and is a key feature of accident and fire prevention. It also improves the general working environment and efficiency and so brings other...

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Risk Management | April 18, 2024

Technical Talks: Arson

Arson is the crime of intentionally destroying or damaging property by fire. It is the largest single cause of fires attended by fire and rescue services in the UK and has been increasing in frequency s...

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Arson image of a house on fire

Risk Management | March 8, 2024

Latest Findings from Our Arch Surveyors: March 2024

Welcome to the latest Arch Surveyors’ Newsletter, sharing essential knowledge and news on current risk management issues affecting businesses across the UK today. ...

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Risk Management | February 26, 2024

RAAC and the Risk of Asbestos Exposure

Asbestosis is not the historical disease people often think it is. In fact, The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has said asbestos remains the biggest cause of work-related deaths in the UK with more t...

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Hazardous suits working on asbestos

Risk Management | February 15, 2024

Technical Talks: Property Rebuild Costs and Rising Inflation

Rebuilding costs have hit record highs and the risk of underinsurance is now greater than ever....

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Construction workers talking to two businessmen

Risk Management | January 24, 2024

Latest Findings from Our Surveyors — Q1 2024

Welcome to the latest Surveyors’ update, our Risk Control Survey Team has remained extremely busy in the last quarter of 2023, with survey requests increasing hugely in number over the last year. But, a...

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