UK Regional Insights

COVID-19 | November 30, 2020

COVID-19 Update 06.05.2020

The challenges facing SME business owners are constantly evolving as a result of COVID-19, including importantly, obligations as an employer….

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Covid particles

News | November 26, 2020

Arch Insurance International Appoints Senior Marine Underwriter

Jason Page joins Marine team to underwrite Hull and War portfolio….

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Marine hull and machinery

News | November 23, 2020

Arch Insurance Launches Standalone Terrorism Product in UK

Product offers expansive coverage to meet the rapidly evolving demands of terrorism risk….

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Two policemen walking with guns

Risk Management | November 19, 2020

How Will Brexit Affect My Business?

A government website has been developed so businesses can identify what they need to do to get ready for Brexit quickly….

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Cranes with cargo

| November 18, 2020

Green Cards – Driving Abroad after Brexit

Following agreement with the EU, with effect from 2nd August 2021 ‘Green Cards’ are no longer required as proof of insurance when driving in the EU/EEA. After 2nd August 2021, you should still take your…

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Row of cars in showroom

| November 16, 2020

Imports to Great Britain from the European Union after Transition

Many of the new rules and regulations apply just to England, Scotland and Wales. Because of its border with Ireland (and therefore the EU), the rules and regulations about trading between Northern Irela…

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United Kingdom and European Union flags

News | November 12, 2020

Arch Insurance Launches Marine Hull and Machinery Product

The insurance solution is designed exclusively for vessel fleets and single vessels operating throughout inland and coastal waters of the UK and Western Europe….

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News | October 27, 2020

Arch Announces Senior Accident and Health Contingency Appointment

Chris Rackliffe to join Arch Insurance International as Head of Accident & Health and Contingency….

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Aerial shot of lorry driving through snow

News | September 22, 2020

Arch Announces Formation of Arch Managing Agency Limited

Arch Managing Agency Limited (formerly Barbican Managing Agency Ltd), brings together Arch Underwriting at Lloyd’s and Barbican Managing Agency Ltd. into a single operation. It will manage Syndicate 201…

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Overview of London with light across