Change of Registered Office Address
On 2 June 2025, we are changing the Registered Office address for the Arch UK entities.
Change of Registered Office Address
When: 2 June 2025
New Registered Office Address:
4th Floor, 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5BN
What Is Changing?
On 2 June 2025 we are changing the Registered Office address for the following Arch companies from 5th Floor, 60 Great Tower Steet, London EC3R 5AZ to 4th Floor, 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5BN:
- Arch Europe Insurance Services Limited
- Arch Insurance (UK) Limited
- Arch Managing Agency Limited
- Arch Intermediaries Group Limited
- Arch Syndicate Investments Ltd
- Salt Insurance Services Limited
- Thomas Underwriting Agency Limited
(collectively, “Arch“)
What Does This Mean?
The new Registered Office address will need to be included in all documentation for policies incepting or renewing on or after 2 June 2025, including supplementary documentation such as Summaries and IPIDs, Schedules and Certificates, Statement of Facts and Factsheets, Fair Value Assessments and Claim Forms (collectively, “Policy Wordings“).
Other references to Arch’s Registered Office address will also need to change effective 2 June 2025, including but not limited to, those included in privacy notices and contact details for complaints.
What Does This Mean for You?
Any reference that you make to Arch’s Registered Office address will need to be updated to 4th Floor, 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5BN with effect from 2 June 2025.
If you are a Coverholder you may need to make changes to your documentation suite, including but not limited to, Policy Wordings, complaint contact information, privacy notices and footer details.
If you are a Broker you may need to update certain templates, documents and other materials including but not limited to, complaint contact information, privacy notices and other contact details.
Vendors and Suppliers
If you are a Vendor or Supplier you will need to update your records and ensure future correspondence is addressed to our new Registered Office address effective 2 June 2025. Invoices issued from 2 June 2025 should also reference our new Registered Office address.
Please note that if you have contracts with other Arch companies not listed above those will not be affected by this change.
Why are We Telling You Now?
Although this change is effective from 2 June 2025, we are notifying you now to provide you with ample time to make the necessary updates to any references you make to Arch’s Registered Office address within any of your documentation.
If you require additional information or have any queries regarding this change, please contact us by using the form below: